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APR Parameters

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APR Parameters – Ranking Values

APR returns a ranking value for each pattern that is identified. This value ranges between 0 and 1, with 1 being a perfect pattern and zero being no match at all. Values above 0.6 seldom occur. Most ranking values are between 0.35 and 0.6.

APR Parameters – Max Bars

Maximum number of bars in the pattern window, 10 to 1,000 bars with default set at 50. Processing time increases with the window size (Max Bars – Min Bars). Higher rankings are given to patterns containing the largest number of records. This value cannot be less than Min Bars.

APR Parameters – Min Bars

Minimum number of bars in the pattern window, 5 to 990 bars with default set at 1. Processing time increases with the window size (Max Bars – Min Bars). Higher rankings are given to patterns containing the largest number of records. This value cannot exceed Max Bars – 10.

APR Parameters – Fitness Threshold

Filters patterns that have a fitness ranking below the specified value. Fitness threshold values from 0 to 0.95, default 0.3.

For example, if a rank is 0.3 and Fitness Threshold is 0.31, the pattern will not be added to the results list.

APR Parameters – Breakout Error Threshold

This threshold value filters patterns if any bar is more than n-% outside the pattern channel. Breakout error threshold values from 0 to 1, default 0.3.

For example, if Breakout Error Threshold is set to 0.5 and any one bar in the pattern window is over 50% outside the channel, the pattern will not be added to the results list.

APR Parameters – Point Breakout Error Threshold

This threshold value filters patterns if any bar that is within 1 record of a pattern data point is more than n-% outside the pattern channel. Point breakout error threshold values from 0 to 1, default 0.25.

For example, if Point Breakout Error Threshold is set to 0.5 and any single bar in the pattern window that is within 1 record of a pattern point is over 50% outside the channel, the pattern will not be added to the results list.

APR Parameters – Channel Error

Filters patterns that have an accumulative error of abs(high | low – trend) that is more than n-% outside this tolerance value. Channel error values from 0 to 1, default 0.3.

APR Parameters – Point Error

Filters patterns that have an accumulative error of abs(high | low – trend) that is more than n-% outside this tolerance value near pattern data points.

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